
Projects Details

JAS Station-(Service Kiosk for refugee camps ) for services )

Location: Global
JAS Station-(Service Kiosk for refugee camps ) for services )

JAS Station-(Service Kiosk for refugee camps ) for services )

TTG has designed a JAS Station-(J for joy or jogging - A for applications   - S for services), intending to proceed with its efforts to reach the sponsor and the appropriate donor for supporting the manufacturing of the first prototype.


What does this proposed project address?

1- Urban refugees, refugee camps, and slum areas are expected to be increased due to climate change and armed conflicts.

-2- The reachability of urban refugees may be difficult in some circumstances.    

-3- Neglecting IT as a tool for achieving 6 of 12 key objectives of UNHCR Urban Refugee Policy(Providing reception facilities-Registration and data collection-Ensuring that refugees are documented-determining refugee status-Reaching out to the community-Fostering constructive relation with urban refugees).                                                                -4- Difficulties for UNHCR services' accessibility for urban refugees.

-5- Refugee camps after dark:-The evenings and early night hours may actually bring those members of the refugee community together who are separated during the day, but lack of secured entertainment/gathering points stands as a big obstacle to a reunion and regaining positive optimistic energy.

-6-Aid workers often see refugees’ nocturnal activities as merely physical (e.g. sleep and sexual relationships). They also point to increased dangers at night time and may use these to justify personal withdrawal.

7- Lack of tools for artistic activities in refugee camps (The Inter-Agency Standing Committee‘s 2007 Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Situations endorses the use of artistic activity as an aid to wellness, as a part of a minimum response to emergency situations. The use of songs, dances, drama, drawing, etc., is recommended under three of the four core mental health and psychosocial support domains: community mobilization and support, education, and dissemination of information. Along similar lines, the UNHCR Handbook for the Protection of Internally Displaced Persons counsels humanitarian and human rights actors to ―work with the community to provide displaced children and adolescents with semi-structured educational activities in a safe space, including ―recreational activities (sports, music, games or art) aimed at alleviating trauma and psychosocial distress).




An integrated business-humanitarian model, A Kiosk  (folding/portable kiosk -with solar energy made of PVC and metal supports) to be established in the outdoor areas or ((refugee camps-neighborhoods where refugees have congregated))  with a pentagon shape composed of 5 alcoves each alcove with a unique service as follow:-

- 1 - ATM machine ( UNHCR Cash Assistance Programme)

- 2 - Virtual Karaoke/Music, films downloading/ ((Touch screen Information +leaflet, Brochure-flyer stand)

-3 - Dj for musical outdoor parties ((Artistic activities/Outreach meetings/Friday speech and pray /Sunday sermon /wedding ceremonies/ consolation/religious festivals….etc.)).

- 4 - Vending machine -Pepsi / Coke or Drinking Fountain.

- 5 -Cellular charging sockets + direct telephone line for UNHCR main office + Digital Touch screen internet connected with UNHCR main office for registration using the camera to take personal photos for ID and using the scanner to scan any documents related/communication/sending complaints-inquiries+ leaflet holder brochure and flyer stand, those were the 5 alcoves, plus the kiosk will be equipped with  Wi-Fi + soap blubber lifeguard surveillance cameras((camp security )).+plasma TV screen +lighting unit all with solar energy produced by solar panels on its roof+ storage for solar panels batteries and water tank for the drinking fountain.